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Bureaucracy Index

Section: Members Highlights / WTA Blog
22 May 2017 | Bureaucracy Index

The Slovak-based Institute of Economic and Social Studies (INESS) created and launched in 2016 a Bureaucracy Index. Its goal is to establish a comprehensive list and subsequent cost of bureaucratic burden in a national economy.

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Satirical “Coalition of Obsolete Industries” Returns!

Section: Members Highlights / WTA Blog
15 March 2017 | Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance / Australia



Following the success slightly over a year ago of the satirical “Coalition of Obsolete Industries” campaign going internationally viral, The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance has produced a sequel!

The sequel targets a proposal by the Victorian State Government to impose a $2 tax on all rides to fund a bailout of the taxi industry followed by the introduction of Uber and features people in costume calling for new taxes to bail out town criers, the telegram industry, horseshoe makers etc. A tax on tires to bail out the horseshoe makers etc.


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