Five Key Traits of a Great Major Gifts Officer
Section: WTA Blog
17 July 2015
17 July 2015
“Five Key Traits of a Great Major Gifts Officer…”
Arroyo Fundraising’s…Kathie Kramer Ryan…
1. Passionate about their organization’s mission
2. Genuinely curious about other people
3. Self-driven and self-disciplined
4. Appropriately persistent
5. Results oriented
Here are some other necessary qualities to round out the “portrait” of your perfect candidate. A great major gifts officer should also be:
- Fearless
- Enthusiastic
- Creative
- Self-aware
- Authentic
- Reliable
- Thick-skinned
- Collaborative (team player)
- Principled
- Donor-centered
- Emotionally intelligent
- Able to connect the dots
- Able to manage up