The World Taxpayers Associations, WTA, is a dynamic organization connecting taxpayer protection groups from over 60 countries in order to share best practices and to create opportunities for collaboration, so as to spread economic freedom to millions of citizens worldwide.

In order to do this, the WTA aims:

  • to promote lower tax rates, limited government, and more individual freedom
  • to stimulate networking and sharing of ideas between different taxpayer protection groups
  • to assist in globally spreading the taxpayer protection movement
  • to encourage research comparing taxes and government spending worldwide

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke

Watch the interviews here of several taxpayer leaders from all over the world (21 in total). These were recorded at our 2014 Vancouver WTA Conference.

Our members

Argentine Taxpayers Association Unión de Contribuyentes Austrian Economics Center Property Rights Alliance Taxpayers Association of Ukraine Ohrid Institute for Economic Strategies and International Affairs Skattebetaler Foreningen KTA Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) Taxpayers Association of Grenada Taxpayers’ and Businessmen’s Rights Protection Armenia Eesti Maksumaksjate Liit Taxpayers Association Tanzania (TATA) Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance Association for Liberal Thinking Bund der Steuerzahler Deutschland Podatnicy Bund der Steuerzahler Japanese for Tax Reform Taxpayer Movement South Africa New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union Taxpayers’ Alliance (TPA) National Taxpayers Association National Taxpayer Association Zambia Taxpayers Association of Kazakhstan Skattebetalarna Momentum 107 Taxpayer Movement South Africa (TPMSA) Taxpayers Australia Taxpayers’ Alliance Ghana Contribuables Associés Veronmaksajat Skatteborger Foreningen Bund der Steuerzahler Bayern Nepal Taxpayer Welfare Society National Taxpayers Union (NTU) Taxpayers Association of Europe Tax Foundation Taxpayers Protection Alliance Taxpayers League of Ghana Citizens for Limited Taxation Chinese Taxpayers Union India Taxpayer Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) Ukrainian Economic Freedoms Foundation Peruvian Taxpayers Association Lipa