KOREA: Victory for the Taxpayers!

Section: Members Highlights / WTA Blog
17 March 2023 | KTA / Korea


The Korea Taxpayers Association (KTA) launched a campaign to abolish the no-receipt budget allocated to high-ranking officials such as the president and ministers which can be seen as “tax evasion and embezzlement.”
As part of the campaign, KTA requested the following information from the President’s Office:
1. Disclosing the contents of special activity expenses since the inauguration of the Moon Jae-in administration by the payment date, payment amount, payment reason, recipient, and payment method
2. Details of budget expenditure related to the expenses protocol (clothes, accessories, shoes, etc.) of First Lady Kim Jeong-sook.
When the president’s office withheld the information, KTA filed a lawsuit in court.
The Administrative Court ruled that the information should be disclosed on February 10th, 2022, one month before the presidential Election Day. Regardless of KTA’s intentions, it had a significant impact on the presidential election. In less than three months more than 761 news pieces covered the court decision, making this campaign one of the KTA’s most successful campaigns.
Click the link for details.