CZECH REPUBLIC: WTA Chairman addresses tax panel at Financial Time Business Regulation Forum
Section: Members Highlights / WTA Blog
11 November 2019 | Taxpayers’ Alliance (TPA) / United Kingdom
11 November 2019 | Taxpayers’ Alliance (TPA) / United Kingdom

A Financial Times event gathered regulators, policy makers, academics and senior industry leaders in Prague to discuss the role, principles and impact of “better regulation”. After an address to the event by Andrej Babiš, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, John O’Connell, Chairman and President of World Taxpayers Associations took to the stage with:
- Lenka Dupáková Deputy Minister of Finance for the Czech Republic
- Ivan Mikloš former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance for Slovakia
- Arman Poghosyan Deputy Minister of Finance for Armenia
We discussed excise taxes, and how a simpler tax system offers fewer opportunities for special interests to use the tax system as a way to target specific groups of people. Tax systems should be neutral, after all.