CANADA: No Escalator Tax

Section: Members Highlights / WTA Blog
24 January 2018 | Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) / Canada


Like the United Kingdom in 2008, the federal government in Canada has introduced an “escalator tax” that automatically raises taxes on beer, spirits and wine each year based on the rate of inflation.

Given that taxes already account for approximately 80 percent of the final price of spirits, 65 to 70 percent for wine and nearly 50 percent for beer, you’d think taxpayers could use a break … but apparently not.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has set up a website that allows for visitors to send a quick note off to the finance minister demanding an end to the practice and, borrowing from our friends at the UK TaxPayers’ Alliance we’ve “borrowed” the idea of distributing coasters to bars and restaurants across the country to further support the campaign.

Now let’s hope we’re as successful as the Brits who got their tax abolished in 2014!