Invitation: 3rd Annual Friedman Conference
On behalf of the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, I would like to warmly invite you all to attend the 3rd Annual Friedman Conference, organised by the Australian Libertarian Society in conjunction with the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, and with the support of the Institute for Public Affairs and Mannkal Economic Education Foundation.
The Friedman Conference has become the highlight of the Australian Liberty Calendar, with over 200 attendees, and the leading voices for liberty not just from Australia – but around the world: International guests include Dr Tom Palmer from the Atlas Network, viral-video sensation Remy Munfasi, and a libertarian activist from Iran.
The conference will be held in Sydney from May 2-3, and you can find further details at
Sponsorship opportunities are also available for businesses and organizations that wish greater exposure here.
I know Australia seems very far away for many of you, however we promise the trip will be worth it!
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions, and we look forward to seeing some of you in Sydney in May! Tim Andrews –