WTA Blog

Satirical “Coalition of Obsolete Industries” Returns!

Section: Members Highlights / WTA Blog
15 March 2017 | Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance / Australia



Following the success slightly over a year ago of the satirical “Coalition of Obsolete Industries” campaign going internationally viral, The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance has produced a sequel!

The sequel targets a proposal by the Victorian State Government to impose a $2 tax on all rides to fund a bailout of the taxi industry followed by the introduction of Uber and features people in costume calling for new taxes to bail out town criers, the telegram industry, horseshoe makers etc. A tax on tires to bail out the horseshoe makers etc.


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The Swedish professor Hans Rosling passed away yesterday

Section: Members Highlights / WTA Blog
8 February 2017 | Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance / Australia



Hans Rosling

Hans Rosling was a worldwide celebrity because of his enthusiasm, ways of making complicated questions understandable, constantly showing how the world is improving in the face of pessimism. He was encouraging people, lifting them to new levels of understanding, hope and involvement. He passed away too early and will be missed by the many of us who believe in a better future, a humane world. A professor of the old tree, demanding, teaching but living in the new world with constant hope for the future. You can learn from him and share his heritage on his website:  http://www.gapminder.org/.

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WTA Letter from the Chairman – Autumn 2016

Section: Letter from the Chairman / Members Highlights / WTA Blog
18 October 2016 | Momentum 107 / Hong Kong

Autumn 2016
WTA members, observers and friends,

It was my great pleasure to attend the Liberty Forum put on by Atlas Network in Miami in September where I met with new UK TaxPayers Alliance Chief Executive John O’Connell; Marusa Pozvek of the Slovenia Taxpayers; Krunoslav Saric from Lipa in Croatia; Lorenzo Montanari from Americans for Tax Reform; Tim Andrews of Australian Taxpayers Alliance and for the first time Jose Beteta of Respect for Taxpayershttp://respeto.pe/ from Peru. Much work needs to be done developing taxpayer groups in central and South America so it was of particular interest to meet Jose. Congratulations to all of you on the great work you are doing!

Read the full letter