WTA & German Taxpayers Assoc. Meet with the UK’s TPA

Section: Members Highlights / WTA Blog
28 August 2015 | Bund der Steuerzahler Bayern / Germany

This week, Michael Jaeger & Daniel Junker of the German Taxpayers Association met with Sarah Elliott and Staffan Wennberg in London to plan for the upcoming biennial WTA Conference in Berlin on the 18-19th March 2016. It was a productive meeting, as speakers and panels were ironed out and ideas shared. While in London, they met with the UK’s Jonathan Isaby, CEO of the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA).  Michael and Daniel got to see the offices of the TPA, and meet some of the staff too . Should any of you come through London, do please contact Jonathan and check out the TPA!


TPAGermanTPAWTA Staffan and Jonathan